lunes, 8 de octubre de 2018

Hi my friends! Today I want to write about why I chose Sociology as a career. When I was little I wanted to be an actress (It´s my real dream). But I abandoned this idea because I was not secure of dedicate all my life to that. Play theatre can be more my hobby as my profession.  

When I was in the secondary I really liked the subject of history, for that I thought about a career associated with that. I found three careers I was interested in: sociology, anthropology and pedagogy of history. I chose Sociology because I really liked the curriculum map. But the two first months I thought about changing to anthropology (because my favorite subject in the first semester was Anthropology), but then I let it go.

Now, I like Sociology, I am so happy in the university.
I do not know about the kind of job I would like to have yet.
Resultado de imagen para obra de teatroResultado de imagen para weber marx y durkheim

5 comentarios:

  1. You blog is very pretty and interesting.
    You Keep it up :)

  2. Wow i would really like to watch you acting, making the role of Briceño lol
    i know that you will have the best kind of job in the future ;)

  3. I don't know what kind of job i would like to have too! xdxd
