lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2018

Hi my friends, I want to talk about Carlos Ruiz Encina, I admire him, because he is one of the most important ideologist of the frente amplio, a Chilean politic coalition, he is activist in the political movement Izquierda Autonoma.  Carlos Ruiz was born in Santiago,Chile in 1964, he is the son  of the sociologist  Eduardo Ruiz Gallardo. Carlos Ruiz is also a Sociologist and he has a PhD about Latin-American, he is an academic of the Universidad de Chile.

Carlos Ruiz has written a lot of books and reviews. My favorite book of him is “Conflicto social en el neoliberalismo avanzado. Análisis de clase de la revuelta estudiantil en Chile” this book was made public in 2013. This book is a study of the Chilean student movement in 2011.

 I like Ruiz because I like his ideological approach and his analysis about the Chilean democracy. He also is a good teacher; his classes are very dynamic and entertaining.  He has done a lot of interview and I saw one about the appearance of the “ultra-right”, it was amazing.


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